December 23, 2012

Dignity, Dis Interest or Delhi ?

By the time you read the article title most of you would had understood about what am going to write in this post.

Yes, it is regarding the Delhi gang rape.

I apologize for writing an article which is based on an individual.

This article is only focused on Us (We, the People who create our Society and Blame it ourselves)

When I see the news flash on Television and Websites, it's only the updates regarding the Delhi Gang Rape. This incident is everywhere!

I really appreciate the effort taken by media, online and social networking sites and our people to protest, project, publish and popularize this incident in order to get justice to the victim.

But by going through all the news and updates I was really confused.
I started thinking....
About what are we really worried ?
About what media is worried?
About what social networking sites are worried?

Is this about all about Dignity?
Is this about all about Dis Interest?
Is this about all about Delhi?

If this issue is all about dignity and we are all worried and fighting for dignity of Indian women..
Then we need to consider dignity of Indian women in all the aspects.
There are many girls who lose their dignity in the name of marriage. There are couples applying for divorce just after 3 days of married life. If we are really worried about dignity then how can we get compromised in a divorce situation. The punishment should be the same for the guy who divorce their wife immediately after having sex for three days.

If this issue is all about disinterest towards the act of sex... Then we need to think about the girls who have sex with their boy friends,lovers and post party friends.

We really do not have the count on number of girls who had been utilized and betrayed by their so called Lovers,Boy Friends, Party Friends and more men whom they trust.
If this issue is all about disinterest shown by the girl to have sex, then we also need to think about the girls who are raped by men every day and night with their permission in the name of Love,Party and Life Style. The punishment should be the same for the men who betray and break the trust of a girl.

If this issue is all about the happening in Delhi, then we need to consider the women getting raped every day in all the other cities too.

We people, Social networking and Media needs to be clear about their objective and focus on
What we are discussing.
What for we are discussing
Why are WE discussing and What would be the result of our discussion.

Impact should not only be on an Individual, it should be on our Nation.
Injustice towards women is happening across our nation in many cities in various ways and in terms of various names of crimes. Many girls lose their life everyday and these incidents are happening with nobody to question,protest,project,popularize and Publish.

It will be really great and we should be Thankful to Media...
If Media (being such a powerful medium) would focus on Results rather than their Ratings.