December 29, 2006


India :
Population on March 1950 : 347340000
Population on July 2006 : 1095351995

As the years passed by we have great increase in population as well as in the rate of youngsters.
The count of youth has reached millions.
India, Ranking first among the top 10 countries where 15-25 year old live.

Statistics :
Scale in Millions.
Source : US Bureau of census,2005.

Do we remember the saying "Youngsters are Future Pillars of India". Are We The Pillars?
The above saying is almost 60 Yrs old.There are many lives that gave life for our mother country.
Known personalities
Shaheed Bhagat Singh,Rajguru,Sukhdev.They contributed their life for our nation.
And all the three were 23 yrs old when they were hanged and had their last breath.
Their bodies were cut into pieces, burnt into ashes and thrown into river without mercy.
Among us many of them are 23 yrs and above and we still live in this country.
The contribution of lives doesn't end with these three, it still continues.
Don't know How many Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev are still dying for our country.(Serving in BSF [Border Security Force]).

India is having the highest count of young minds (115.3 Millions).But Still, Where in we stand ?It is not that we have to die for our country.

If someone say "I DIE FOR MY COUNTRY"
We can proudly say "I LIVE FOR MY COUNTRY".
But.. Is that worth living ?
Does our life serve atleast one life ?
For the least, Have we planted a tree that'll serve it's purpose ?
With what do we identify ourself ?
Have we done something that is worth to our mother nation ?

So...Are we the pillars among the millions ?
Do we care for our mother nation - INDIA ?

December 27, 2006



At 6,300 meters (20,700 feet) India controls these breathless heights at an estimated cost of up to $1 million a day and is reluctant to back off for fear Pakistan.

After partition in 1947 no one bothered to extend the line of control between Pakistan and India up to Siachen because no one thought it was worth bothering about.

The Siachen Glacier is located in the eastern Karakoram Range in the Himalaya Mountains, at approximately 35.5° N 77.0° E. It is the longest glacier in the Karakoram and second longest in the world's non-polar areas.It ranges from an altitude of 5753 m (18,875 ft.) above sea level at its source at Indira Col (pass) on the China border to its snout at 3620 m (11,875 ft.)

The Siachen Glacier lies south of the great watershed that separates Central Asia from the Indian subcontinent.

Toothpaste freezes in its tube,speech can be blurred,
frostbite and chilblains are common and plummeting
temperatures can leave scores dead.You can't breathe normally. There is less oxygen there. The air is rarified.The lungs scream for oxygen. The blood vessels cry for oxygen. At 20,700 feet, you are not normal. You cannot be. The human body is attuned to a certain altitude.

And that's where our soldiers are. Fighting the enemy. Facing the bullets. Dying alone in the snow. Falling to death from the high ridges. No one hears their scream. It's such a lonely death. A tiny piece of metal is all what it takes to die.

They are our infantrymen. The finest in the world. No other soldier has ever fought at these heights. At 15000ft, they can't move with ease. There are no tracks. Climb. Clamber. Crawl. A soldier carries a week's ration, ammunition, a 5.56mm assault rifle or a mortar or a rocket launcher. He carries over 20 kgs on his back as he pulls himself up on this rugged, cruel terrain.

He doesn't sleep. He doesn't have time to eat. He doesn't have time to urinate. Life is not what it is. Life is a shell. It is the terror of death. It is the courage of facing it. It is fear, raw, unalloyed, unrelenting.... the enemy is up there, somewhere hidden. It can see you, can track you down like a rat, can pick you out so effortlessly...and yet these men move, slowly but with determination to fight for the nation. To die for the nation.

You know how it feels to be up there in the cold, cold mountains, carrying a heavy backpack with a gnawing fear that you will never see your eight-year-old daughter. That sweet little thing with a ponytail and a smile that lights up your world. You may not hear her giggles, see her climb your shoulder, run around, throw her dolls in anger, paint the walls in doodles.... You will not be there for her.

You know what fear is. That is the fear. Not being there. Death is not what matters. What matter is that you will not matter anymore. And yet the soldiers go up the hills, like the charge of the light brigade, never asking questions, never expecting an answer. They know they have a duty, they have a pledge, they have a promise to keep. Their tryst with destiny.

It is not easy to imagine a soldier, an infantry man's life up there, where the wind can sear your windpipe, chill your brains, make your eyes weep with pain and lungs cry out in sheer exhaustion.

Brave. That is what these soldiers are. Brave in the face of death. Brave in the face of fear. Facing bullets. Death count in thousands and more. Many more will die.
"Let not their death go waste, unacknowledged."

Say it aloud , "JAI HIND!" and be proud to be an Indian. Let Salute our Indian Soldiers !

December 26, 2006

Westernization ! or Are we blanking out something ?

For the last 10 yrs there is a drastic change in our lifestlye. Wait.. is this a change in our lifestyle or are we forgetting something?

Haven't seen many of the girls with this costumes, better declare it as "Rare" one.

Looking at this picture, I assume the Sea Water as "World" and the girl is the "One" standing out of the Crowd. She likes to stay away from the sea water, rather than getting into and having fun in water.

When I walked around the streets, i saw people kissing each other in the Streets. Question that came into my mind:
1. Don't they have a house to live with ?
2.Have they built their house without a bedroom?
3.Are they human beings?
4.Aren't they ashamed that everyone is looking at them?
and finally got the critical question
5. Is this so called "Westernization" ?.

For the last few years I can see the increasing rate regarding cases filed for 'Rape' and increasing rate of Rape Victims.
Whom should we blame for this ?.The person who rapes a girl or the girl who tends him to rape her?

There are people(mainly teenagers) in metropolitan cities who spend half-a-lakh per month for their costumes and for entertainment. There are people in metropolitan cities who die without food.

Whom should i blame for this
Blame Government?
Blame Teenagers or their parents?
Blame Myself?

I'm much confused.... God let me know the actual meaning of "Westernization"?

Westernization : the social process of becoming familiar with or converting to the customs and practices of Western civilization.