December 26, 2006

Westernization ! or Are we blanking out something ?

For the last 10 yrs there is a drastic change in our lifestlye. Wait.. is this a change in our lifestyle or are we forgetting something?

Haven't seen many of the girls with this costumes, better declare it as "Rare" one.

Looking at this picture, I assume the Sea Water as "World" and the girl is the "One" standing out of the Crowd. She likes to stay away from the sea water, rather than getting into and having fun in water.

When I walked around the streets, i saw people kissing each other in the Streets. Question that came into my mind:
1. Don't they have a house to live with ?
2.Have they built their house without a bedroom?
3.Are they human beings?
4.Aren't they ashamed that everyone is looking at them?
and finally got the critical question
5. Is this so called "Westernization" ?.

For the last few years I can see the increasing rate regarding cases filed for 'Rape' and increasing rate of Rape Victims.
Whom should we blame for this ?.The person who rapes a girl or the girl who tends him to rape her?

There are people(mainly teenagers) in metropolitan cities who spend half-a-lakh per month for their costumes and for entertainment. There are people in metropolitan cities who die without food.

Whom should i blame for this
Blame Government?
Blame Teenagers or their parents?
Blame Myself?

I'm much confused.... God let me know the actual meaning of "Westernization"?

Westernization : the social process of becoming familiar with or converting to the customs and practices of Western civilization.

1 comment:

Nishikanth N said...

Good post in a first attempt.

Regarding Post :

Yes u are true, people are leaning towards the so called westernisation.
But then we can't blame everyone. Its not just now, its been happening past 60 years. Almost everyone has got westernised.

The only difference being the type of change. So lets just see the good changes around us. Things will change periodically.