October 19, 2010

Marbleless life (Marvelous Life)

We used to play with marbles. We win matches , as well as we lose matches. But when we get a lucky marble, we keep winning matches. We keep the marble special, safe, secured and beyond everything we start loving the marble as a part of our life. We believe, and we gain the confidence, that we will win the matches with that marble.

At some point of time a stranger throws away the marble. And we are there just standing still and looking at the stranger throwing away our marble. We are forced to believe that nothing can be done. We forget all our anger which we have over the stranger, and we remember the love for the marble.

We follow the marble till it stops. We overcome all the hurdles. We face all the difficulties. We bare all the pain, all this we do to get the marble back into our life.

And the marble finally gets lost into a Well filled with diamonds.

"Wow", we would definitely say that !

We will feel a bit sad that we lost our lucky and special marble, but we may feel happy that we got the diamonds.

But what if the marble was our life and diamonds are the compensation for losing our life ?


Anonymous said...

That why it is called as Destiny...

Unknown said...

It's not destiny, destiny is something that no one can decide/change.