September 21, 2010

Questions that made me think

1. Why do we wash our bath towels, when we are clean after bath ?
2. What does a blind man see in his dream ?
3. What would be Google's company website name ?
4. Will there be a dog which cannot bark ?
5. What is the speed of light, when the light goes off ?
6. If necessity is the mother of invention, then who is the father ?
7. What should i reply in office when my manager asks "are you free now?"
8. What should i reply a person saying
"Your blog article was good, did you write it on your own ?"
9. What should i do, when my girl friend is the only person to laugh in the
cinema theater, that too for a boring comedy.
10.What should i do, when such questions arises in my mind other than writing
it in blog ?

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